Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New Blogs

Recently, the Wall Street Journal started three new blogs focused on Asia. They are more chatty than the paper, but more newsy than most blogs. The supplied descriptions are amusing, thus we note them below. We suggest you visit these sites.

            [Supplied Note] a newsy, concise guide to what works, what doesn’t and why in the one-time poster child for Asian development as it struggles to keep pace with faster-growing neighbors while competing with Europe for Michelin-rated restaurants. Drawing on the expertise of The Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Newswires, the site provides an inside track on business, politics and lifestyle in the fast lane of what remains (for now) the world’s second-biggest economy.

[Supplied Note]  a vital resource for an expanding global community trying to keep up with a country changing minute by minute. The site offers quick insight and sharp analysis from the wide network of Dow Jones reporters across Greater China, including Dow Jones Newswires’ specialists and The Wall Street Journal’s award-winning team. It also draws on the insights of commentators close to the hot topic of the day in law, policy, economics and culture.

[Supplied Note] offers quick analysis and insights into the broad range of developments in business, markets, the economy, politics, culture, sports, and entertainment that take place every single day in the world’s largest democracy. Regular posts from Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Newswires reporters around the country provide a unique take on the main stories in the news, shed light on what else mattered and why, and give global readers a snapshot of what Indians have been talking about all week.

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